Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bowtech Destroyer 340-350

I was so excited with the addition of this bow for Bowtech. It might actually get me to switch from my Mathew's Switchback. I love the flex guard roller idea. It is supposed to eliminate torque on the arrow when you are shooting it. I have a problem with torquing about 1 out of every 4 arrows. This causes me to miss about 3 inches to the left of where i was aiming.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


SWFA is a great place to purchase new optics. From Spotting scopes to Rifle scopes, they also have a trade in program. You can buy used and inspected by them on the sample list. So you say that you need a like new US Optics SN-3, sure they have one in stock. You are not going to wait 6 months for US Optics to built it, and its only $1900! Compared to the $2300 base price.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AICS stocks

Mile High Shooting has in stock some of the best Gun stocks available for the long range shooter. They are the AICS by Accuracy International(makers of the AW mag system). Changeable skins, full floating actions, and folding ability with adjustable cheek piece and length of pull; are just some of the outstanding features they incorporate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dimigod's Longrange shooting

Dimigod's practical long range shooting guide is by far the best how to, and equipment review I have ever seen.  He takes the time to discuss everything from Mil-ing to optic selection, and more.  He gets involved with discussing the physics in bullet coefficient, but stays simple for new enthusiasts.

A great write up about smithing your own precision Ar-10 or SR- 25. He is going through a step by step assembly, and detailed description of tools needed. Gas guns are really catching on these days. I was playing around with the idea of building one a few months ago from the ground up, I still might have the bug to do it.

Badger Ordnance

Badger has been making scope rings and optic mounts for a few years now. They also build some of the best actions available. They are a shining example of bomb proof design and application. When the USMC needed new scope rings for their day sniper optics, they turned to Badger.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Collings Guitars

New Mandolins from Collings. I must play one soon. Their guitars are second to none, with a sound that is so distinct.


Custom shop for some of the best firearms available. They are about to begin a new run of production on their 7.62's

Crye Precision

These guys are sharp. Not only did they develop Multi cam camouflage, but they also develop clothing that works. Their apparel is designed with a great eye, but it also functions for a purpose.

For some time i have been mesmerized with the Art house of Cinelli. They are one of the best companies at staying true to their roots, and creating beautiful/functional design.

What I like, and what to expect

This blog is about things I find interesting. Everything is on topic, from guns and archery, to sailing, any engineering that i think is cool and video games.